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BMX riding, Pat Casey makes it look easy

I can not ride a BMX and I can definitely not do any tricks on a BMX. But that doesn’t stop me from appreciating it when I see guys (or girls) that can really ride a BMX. Tricks and everything. The thing that amazes me the most is that people like Pat Casey has turned what he clearly enjoys doing into a job. A very good job at that; as you will see in the video, professional BMX riding can pay for a very nice backyard.

But don’t think that all of this does comes at a price. Getting to the level of Pat Casey for instance does not only require a huge amount of talent but it also requires a nice huge chunk of dedication. Practise does make perfect, but it takes a lot of practise to get there. Hours and hours of practise, not only on your BMX, but also other fitness exercises. I guess that backyard of Pat’s must come in handy for the hours of practise, and I’m sure he has his own exercise equipment in his house.

The video below is a great example of what talent and dedication can culminate into.

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