Where to find Garden Flats to rent in Cape Town

Property-to-rent-cape-townWhen you’re looking for property to rent in Cape Town, I’m sure you would have noticed the differences in size and price between the various areas. If you want to live closer to the Cape Town CBD, you will have to settle for a flat as there are very few affordable places to rent, especially for younger people. This means, if you want to live in something other than a flat, you will have to look further afield, but this is far from being the worst thing in the world.

Living in the Suburbs

For many, myself included, the suburbs hold little appeal. I am one of those weird people that have the neon disease and only really come alive when I see the lights of the city. That being said, there are many, normal people, that prefer the quiet, relaxed pace of the suburbs. Places like Blouberg, Milnerton and Durbanville are, for those people, the perfect place to rent. The suburbs appeal will lie with those that can’t afford a place in the city and for those that would prefer the benefits of living in a smaller community where it’s usually much quieter and quite a bit safer.

The Garden Flat

Garden flats are usually little flatlets that have been built on the same land as someone’s house. This means, they are often somewhat bigger than your average flat as there are no space restrictions when building as no other flat’s are being built alongside, below or above it. They will often have their own private entrance and tenants will often have the use of a garden, whether it’s the owner’s garden or a small one of their own.

Transport from the Suburbs

If you’re worried about being far away from work, usually located in the business hub of the city, and about transport from the suburbs into town, fret not. Cape Town has one of the best public transport systems in the country and the MyCiTi rapid bus transport system is very cheap, safe and quick as they have the use of their own bus lanes. In fact, many people that have cars are still making use of the busses because they have become so incredibly convenient.

Rent a Garden Flat

So if you are looking for a place to stay in Cape Town, don’t completely disregard living in a Garden Flat. They’re some of the best places to rent and offer you so much more than the average flat. If you were wondering where to find Garden Flats to rent in Cape Town, have a look at the Property to Rent section of Junk Mail.

Saskia Meintjes

Hyperactive, extremely realistic and addicted to reading can best describe me. Life is all about the good memories and sitting around will not create them.

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