Finding reliable school transport services

Finding reliable school transport services is a common problem in South Africa. Whether you are a single parent or from a household where both parents work, it can be difficult to find transportation from school to home. Before you commit to transportation services, it is important to ask the right questions.

transportation services

What to look for in school transport services

There are a variety of important factors to consider when you are selecting school transportation for your kids. Safety and reliability are two top priorities. You can reduce your stress and anxiety by finding trustworthy transportation for the kids.

Transportation services include private lift clubs as well as school buses. School taxis are another option. Not only do these services help to save you time, they also protect the environment by reducing your carbon footprint.

The first step is to find services and clubs in your area, selecting a few that match the needs of your family. The type of school transport services you choose is both a practical and personal decision. Once you have identified possibilities start by checking the road-worthiness of the vehicle.

carpooling to school

Road-worthiness is vital as vehicles that are not functioning properly are unsafe. Not only do vehicles, which are in a poor condition, put your children at risk, break downs can also make your children late for school.

Warning signs include exposed wires and damaged windscreen wipers. Worn tires and broken side mirrors are also dangerous. Ask the company how often they conduct vehicle inspections.

Before you sign your children up ask the service provider how many children they transport. The children in the vehicle should not exceed the vehicle’s passenger limit. Each child should have their own seat and seatbelt. Overloading is illegal and dangerous.

Check the paperwork including driver’s licences and road worthy documents. It is advisable to check the safety regulations that the school transportation company adheres to. Ask the operator what safety measures they have in place to keep your children safe.

kids at school

You may also want to check whether the company does a criminal background check on their drivers. Vehicles with satellite tracking can help to give you peace of mind.

If you need a flexible transportation solution, check whether transport is available after extra school activities. By following these guidelines you can find transportation for your children that won’t let you down.

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Advantages of school transportation services

When you are deciding on which school transportation option to go for, it is important to assess the pros and cons of these services. Finding assistance with transportation from school to home can have economic advantages for your family.

Shared transportation such as private lift clubs helps to save fuel costs. The money that you save on petrol can be used to meet other family needs. Transportation services reduce pollution. Sharing transport reduces road congestion and carbon emissions.

school transportation

Using these services means that you have to adhere to a specific schedule which promotes organisation and time planning skills. It also reduces the chances of your child being late for school.

A major advantage of school transportation services include that it can decrease family stress levels. If you use the time that you save taking your kids to school, wisely, you can free up more time to spend together as a family.

Some disadvantages of school transport

While there are plenty of advantages to school transportation, you may want to consider some of the disadvantages. If the service has numerous children to collect along the way, it will take longer for your children to get to school.

If your family struggles to be on time, your children may miss their school transport causing extra stress. Typically these services adhere to a strict schedule to avoid making other children late for school.


Transportation services like this typically depart straight after school. If your child has a different schedule because of after-school activities, it may be difficult to find transportation from school to home for the kids.

Looking for someone to get your kids to and from school? Start browsing for school transport services on Junk Mail today and start narrowing your list of preferred drivers and services. Once you have an idea of what is available, you can make a decision about what is right for you and your family.

Finding reliable school transport services
Article Name
Finding reliable school transport services
Whether you are a single parent or from a household where both parents work, it can be difficult to find reliable school transport services.
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Junk Mail
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