How to check your MTN balance

Do you use MTN as your mobile service provider? Here are two super easy ways you can check MTN data balance, airtime and SMS balances on-the-go:


There you have it – two easy ways on how to check your MTN balance from your phone or smart device, regardless of whether you are a prepaid or contract user. If you are looking for a new mobile phone or other smart devices, browse through the large selection available on

Annabel Schoeman

SEO'er, blogger and lover all things weird, wacky and interesting.

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4 Responses

  1. Therina says:

    I installed the myMTNza app on my ipad. It worked fine for a while and then suddenly when I want to use the app, it switches back to the homescreen. I deleted and re-installed the app. still doing it. very frustrating because I cannot check my data. Help!!??

  2. Brandon says:

    It tell me item no loner available when I try down load

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