How To Give A Meaningful Christmas Gift On Any Budget

2011 is nearly over and if you haven’t already done your Christmas shopping you might find yourself battling the crowds. Some of you have already got your list ready and are ready to start your mad dash through the aisles.

There is always that special someone that you really want to impress with a magical gift because you love them so much. There is nothing like that warm feeling of giving a gift that completely sweeps them off their feet.

There is a knack to giving the perfect gift though and it can’t be taught, but one can definitely develop it. Take the time to read this post and find out how you can master the art of giving the perfect gift on a tight budget.

Give a solution: We all can relate to this story…there was a man who constantly complained of being unable to find matching socks after doing his weekly laundry. One year at Christmas time, his friend bought him 365 pairs of socks. The man was speechless. He declared it the finest gift he’d ever received for Christmas. The lesson that can be learned from this is: “Sometimes we can give a gift that may seem of lesser value to the untrained eye, but that actually means far more because we took the time to understand our loved ones frustration and provided them with a solution. Sometimes a solution is better than a flatscreen TV or the cliché dust collecting gift.

Play hide and seek: Make your loved one think that they are putting their hand into a magic hat and the ribbon does not seem to end. How you ask? Try to never give someone a gift that came singularly packaged. For example, if you are buying someone a DVD / Blue Ray Disc, add some microwave popcorn and a bowl for the popcorn. If you are making someone an apron, it is a good idea to slide some specialty spices into the apron’s pocket so give them a special surprise. These little added touches will give you a chance to show your love and familiarity with the gift receiver. It will happen naturally if you set the rule that no one gift will ever come from one package.

Know what they Love and make your gift personal: Your loved one may be fanatical about “dinosaurs.” This makes your gift giving easier; you know what they like so now all you have to do is go on a hunt to make their gift personal. For the dinosaur lover, perhaps book a trip to a museum where dinosaur bones are on display. For the gardener, get a “Make Your Own Garden Stones” kit and make them some pretty cement stepping stones. Be warned: This is one of the trickier, more advanced forms of gift-giving. It might require more improvisational skills than some people have. But if you grab a cup of coffee, a pad of paper and take half-an-hour of quiet time, you might be able to brainstorm some pretty great ideas for that person in your life who has a fondness of a hobby  or certain subject. Sometimes an experience it better than an actual gift. If you only started thinking of a gift now you may be too late to work up a plan and this may mean you have to investigate other options. Find out what other hobbies this loved on is into. Maybe your dinosaur lover also likes writing music. It may be a good idea to surprisethem with a stack of fresh notation paper and a box of their favourite pencils to get cracking on a new song about the unwanted random dinosaur gifts they received.

Take note of the Little Details: Does your loved one eat the same chocolate every day? Buy them a hamper of that brand of chocolate, wrap it prettily, and put a brief note explaining that you had noticed. Does your sister, girlfriend or wife swear under her breath every time she’s fighting with a broken zipper on her handbag? There’s an easy solution right there. Take her handbag and get it fixed. Then wrap her ‘new’ bag with a note saying that you had noticed it was broken and you decided to put that right just in time for her much anticipated New Year’s party. You can also fill her bag with her favourite chewing gum, a stylish umbrella, pocket hair brush and other nice goodies to make her fell pampered.

Relax and Enjoy the Giving: Take a deep breath. Before you go anywhere near a shop, it is best to make a list first. Trust in your own knowledge of your loved ones. It will come to you more easily than you’d think. Any effort to personalise a gift will shine and will make a huge difference.

As they someone else’s junk is another man’s treasure. During this time of the year there are many treasures and other delights to be found on You may just find a bargain like a personalised signed rugby jersey or used bicycle that you can be quickly painted pink for that special person this festive season.  To find all the magical Christmas bargains on offer you best start searching now!

The Junk Mail team trusts that these pointers will make your Christmas shopping a breeze.  If you have any other gift giving suggestions please tell us by leaving a comment on this post

Also feel free to check out these posts on the Junk Mail blog:

Henno Kruger

Digital Marketing Campaign Coordinator at Junk Mail Publishing.

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