Over the last few months Junk Mail has been working hard to make the merged Junk Mail / CapeAds user friendly and easy to use. We have listened to suggestions from users and the following changes have been made to the website in recent months:
- A new user interface was created when the merged Junk Mail / CapeAds was launched. This interface made it easier for users to place free adverts and browse classifieds
- A merged website information page was posted to inform users about the changes on the website.
- Our Advanced Search Form on the website was improved to accommodate user’s needs.
- We made it easier for users to add an E-mail Alert. Once a search has been done on the website, an icon for “E-mail Alerts” appears on the right hand side of the search box, giving users the option to receive e-mail updates for certain search terms. This process is significantly faster than before.
- The Junk Mail Blog interface was improved and updated more frequently to keep users of Junk Mail / CapeAds informed.
- The Junk Mail Mobile website was improved to suit the needs of users that browse our website via their cell phones.
- The way that our adverts are displayed on the website was changed slightly to make it more pleasing to the eyes.
- For the merged Junk Mail / CapeAds website Improved Job Mail integration was added in recent times.
Watch this space for updates about the Junk Mail website. Feedback on this post is appreciated.