There Is November Like Movember

So, the manliest of months is here once again! It’s time to put away the razor and grow that marvellous Manly Mo you’ve always dreamed of having! The beauty of Movember is that during the early stages of growing when you look kind off dodgy, people will not only abstain from laughing at you, but men will give you an approving pat on the back and women will kiss you with delight…

So why on earth do we grow moustaches in November and call in Movember? Support!

Movember is a month long, yearly fundraiser all over the world that celebrates ‘The Stach’ while emphasizing and raising money for men’s health issues- specifically prostate cancer!

During the month of November men grow a moustache to raise money for charities like the Prostate Cancer Foundation. It’s the same as wearing a red or pink ribbon; it’s just hairy and on your face.

Now, “Movember” was initiated in 1999 when a group of young men in Adelaide came up with the idea of growing moustaches for charity during the month of November. Members of the Adelaide-based “Movember Committee” explained how they came up with the idea for Movember one night in a pub. The group started with 80 men from Adelaide and aimed to raise money for the RSPCA through selling T-shirts in what they termed “Growing whiskers for whiskers”. The committee remains uninvolved with the wider Movember movement but claims to have coined the term “Movember” in 1999.

The wider movement started in 2003 on 1st of November; for those of you who aren’t quite in the loop regarding Movember here are the ins and outies of it!

Movember challenges men to change “the face of men’s health” by growing a moustache. The rules are simple:

1. On the 1st of every November [which is today] every Mo Brother Registers at Movember .com with a clean shaven face. The growing of your hairy upper lip caterpillar can then begin and you are not allowed to shave your Mo until November 30.

2. For the rest of the month; groom, trim or wax your way to a marvellous moustache!

3. There is to be no joining of the Mo at the sideburns–that’s a beard as well as joining of the handlebars at the chin- that’s a goatee.

4. The small complimentary growth under the chin is allowed (aka The Tickler if you know what I mean)

During the month, get friends and family to sponsor your stache-growing and donate to the cause which is CANSA’s Men Health Programme. Movember has raised R4.9 million last year, with close to 18 000 registered men and women participants.

Movember aims to increase early cancer detection, diagnosis and effective treatments, and ultimately reduce the number of preventable deaths. Besides getting an annual check-up, the Movember Foundation encourages men to be aware of any family history of cancer, and to adopt a healthier lifestyle.

This year Movember will launch in a further 7 countries bringing the number to 21 countries participating in the campaign.  This has resulted in Movember being one of the single biggest contributors to prostate cancer research globally.

Mo Bros successfully become walking, talking billboards for the 30 days of November and through their actions and words raise awareness by prompting private and public conversation around the often ignored issue of men’s health.

The moustache is the main ingredient to bring real change, but if you don’t have the cohonas to grow a stach or cohonas period- join can always join the Mo Sistas in supporting the big boys or by donating!

Get as many people possible involved; gather a team at work, get your friend or family to join just get a stach going!

Check out the Movember South Africa Facebook page for more info!

Come on! Gather a team in your workplace or feel free to join the Junk Mail Mustacium

And don’t forget to smile at a Mo Bro and compliment his Mo. It helps them grow. FACT.

PS. Having trouble growing your Mo? Have a look at this video for some extra tips

Adeline Vorster

Gypsy at heart | Animal Lover | Movie Monsters & Muscle Cars | Compadre | Eendrag Maak Mag | Elvis is not dead

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