An Urgent Message from the Wet Nose Animal Rescue Center

Wet Nose Animal Rescue Center has an urgent message for all animal lovers:

“It came to our attention a few days ago that the informal settlement at Bapsfontein was being demolished and that many of the residents had already moved away, leaving their dogs behind! Some are still in the process of being relocated. Many of these animals were tied to tires and trees, left to scavenge for food and don’t understand what is happening, as the shacks get broken down all around them.

After a crazy December with kennels bursting at the seams, we are now faced with an impossible decision. We have to save these animals, but where will we put them all? The other Right to Life organisations cannot take them or have already taken what they can, what now…

Most of the dogs that come in from informal settlements are well socialised, so we can put a few together in a kennel, but, they tend to fight over food, and they are very hungry!

We appeal to each and every animal lover out there, please come and adopt a dog and help save these poor dogs that have had such a rough life. All they want is food and love. If you have any space to take in another dog and save a life, now is the time to do it.

There are lovely dogs available and lots of puppies to choose from. If you can’t help us during this crises, please forward this mail to anyone you think might be able to. We do not yet know how many dogs will be rescued, but as you are receiving this mail, the Wet Nose team is bringing in more dogs.”

If you can help, please phone Wet Nose Animal Rescue on 013-9323941 or visit the Wet Nose Animal Rescue Website.

Feel free to spread the word about this, share this blog post on Facebook, Tweet the blog post link to your followers or E-mail the blog post link to friends. Please spread awareness of this cause.


Henno Kruger

Digital Marketing Campaign Coordinator at Junk Mail Publishing.

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2 Responses

  1. Paula says:

    Hi I’m looking for a dog that will be compatible with other dogs, horses and birds but will not allow strangers to enter. Doberman and Dalmatian breeds (both used a war dogs) would suit my personality but they must be bold and prepared to bite. I live on a small holding.

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