My Junk Mail Account – Private
Junk Mail now offers our private users the option to register an account. Having an account has fantastic benefits for all private users that want to make their online and mobile buying and selling...
Account Login / Account Registration / Account Verification / Advert Bump Up / Advert Management / Advert Placement / Advert Responses / Email Alerts / Messages / Mobile / My Junk Mail / Password Locking / Password Recovery / Profile / Telephone Number Locking / Username Recovery
23 Jul, 2015
Junk Mail now offers our private users the option to register an account. Having an account has fantastic benefits for all private users that want to make their online and mobile buying and selling...
Advert Responses / Email Alerts / Messages / My Junk Mail / Responding to Adverts
23 Jul, 2015
It is quite easy to see your email account become flooded with responses from your Junk Mail ads, making it difficult to manage all the other things you need to do. The “Inbox” feature...
Advert Responses / Messages / Responding to Adverts / Sharing Adverts / Viewing Adverts
23 Jul, 2015
How can I respond to an ad? When you view the details of an ad, you are given the opportunity to reply to that ad on the ad details page. All you have to...