How to sort my search results

There are two ways in which you can sort your search results to show ads that interest you: by price or the time an ad was placed.

Simply click on “Price” or “Time Placed” appearing at the top of the search results and it will be sorted according to your selection.

“Price” can be sorted by minimum or maximum price.

How to sort search results

Alternatively, look for the “Filter by Price” tool in the filter bar at the left of the search results page, where you can fill an exact minimum and maximum price of the item you are searching for.

How to sort search results

Saskia Meintjes

Hyperactive, extremely realistic and addicted to reading can best describe me. Life is all about the good memories and sitting around will not create them.

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3 Responses

  1. Koos says:

    I think this is great

  2. Gus Ratering says:

    I have posted WANTED ad for Skipper tent trailers but the DROP DOWN MENUS only allow certain regions could you not add NATIONAL. Stt are very hard to come by and I will go anywhere to buy one…..what do you think??

    • Jani Grey says:

      Good morning, Gus

      Thank you for taking the time to read our post and for your suggestion. We will send it to the relevant people for consideration.

      Thank you for using Junk Mail.

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