Junk Mail Publishing is the 5th Ranked Online Publisher in South Africa!

Junk Mail is now the #5 online publisher in South Africa! This is a great achievement!

Figures released early in June by the DMMA (Digital Media and Marketing Association) proves that the Online Publishing Industry is growing strong in South Africa:

  • There were 10.3 million unique browsers from South African users to DMMA websites in May 2011.
  • There was a 17.8% increase in unique browsers between April and May 2011.
It seems that the ever growing (over 10 million according to the latest estimates) South African online users are starting to embrace the Internet more and more as a medium.

For the last few years the Digital Media and Marketing Association (DMMA – formerly known as the OPA) used Nielsen Online to serve its traffic measurement needs. This changed in April 2011 after the DMMA announced that Effective Measure has been appointed as a new measurement vendor for South Africa.

Feel free to check out the following interesting posts on the Junk Mail blog:


Henno Kruger

Digital Marketing Campaign Coordinator at Junk Mail Publishing.

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