My baby and me: Baby cots for sale in Gauteng

Whether you are in the process of becoming a first time mother or in this for the second or third time, it is always great to take advice and give your baby something different and something better. Although some people say modern is better, we all know that traditional methods of babycare are still very much in use.

In this instance, antique baby cots were built to last, they are much cheaper and sometimes much safer for your baby.

Antique baby cots can be easily passed down from generation to generation. If taken care of, they can last you until you have your third or fourth child.

If the purpose of a baby cot or crib is to ensure a baby sleeps and doesn’t easily jump over once he or she is awake, then antique baby cots are better in so many ways.

Exhibit A- Antique Baby Cot


It is wider in size, giving your baby the opportunity to easily manoeuvre around.

While on the other hand, modern baby cots are often built to look stylish and fancy, and because they are new and modern they can be very pricey. Unfortunately, a lot of the modern cots and cribs are only built to last a really short period, unlike the antique cots.

Here is an example of a modern baby cot


As a mother, your baby’s safety should be put first.

Although modern cots look stylish, a lot of them do not allow room for your baby’s growth, and will need to be replaced only after a few months of your baby using it. Unless of course you can purchase one that is adjustable, as your baby grows.

That’s why we suggest you consider purchasing an antique cot. You can always renovate it with a fresh new paint of coat, and make it look brand new.

Here are some examples of antique baby cot styles you can get for your baby and you:


baby-cot2 baby-cot3



Are you looking for baby cots for sale? Visit the Junk Mail website for affordable deals on modern and antique baby furniture in Gauteng.

Yolanda Zondo

Writers see the world differently. Every voice we hear, every face we see, every hand we touch could become story fabric

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4 Responses

  1. Dorah Mashiteng says:

    I need a baby cot that opens on one side

  2. Michael says:

    I’m interested on buying one

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