When Menu Translations Go Wrong.

Sometimes when you travel you will come across unusual dishes. Sometimes it’s only the names that are unusual. A badly translated menu item can sound very unappetizing. Here are some example of what you might get to order when menus go wrong…


Rainbow Trout, Fillet Streak, Popotoes, Chocolate Mouse (Hong Kong)
Fried friendship (Nepal)
Teppan Yaki – Before Your Cooked Right Eyes (Japan)
Fried fishermen (Japan)
Strawberry crap (Japan)
Pork with fresh garbage (Vietnam)
Cold shredded children and sea blubber in spicy sauce (China)
Dreaded veal cutlet with potatoes in cream (China)

Muscles Of Marines/Lobster Thermos (Egypt)
French fried ships (Egypt)

Garlic Coffee
Sole Bonne Femme -Fish Landlady style.
Boiled FrogfishSweat from the trolley
Roasted duck let loose (Poland)
Beef rashers beaten up in the country peoples fashion (Poland)

Toes with butter and jam  (Bali)
French Creeps (LA, USA)

Henno Kruger

Digital Marketing Campaign Coordinator at Junk Mail Publishing.

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