4 Questions To Ask Yourself Before Placing An Advert

Do you take advantage of Junk Mail’s free ads that are viewed by a mass audience?

Then you probably sometimes wonder what details to put in the ad to entice interest right?

That’s why we have created 4 quick questions that you should answer before placing your ad. This is to ensure you give any potential interest a good idea of what they might be buying.

So here they are:

  1. What is the main purpose of the item?
  2. What condition is it in?
  3. Does the item have any unique traits?
  4. Is the selling price realistic?

Use the answers of the first 3 questions to create your advert text.  Also keep in mind that the first couple of words of the advert text will also be used as your advert’s title.

Add your price and make sure it is realistic as per question 4.

You should also add at least 1 image/photo of the actual item to the advert for maximum exposure. Ads with photos entice 8 times more viewers than adverts without an image.

So, answer these questions and Start Selling Today.

Check out these posts on the Junk Mail blog, you might find them interesting:


Henno Kruger

Digital Marketing Campaign Coordinator at Junk Mail Publishing.

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